Appanoose Rapids Mercantile

24x36 Vinyl

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2'x3' Vinyl:  Pattern   by Spicher & Co

Spicher and Company is a leading manufacturer of framed artwork and Vintage Vinyl Floorcloths; they display their products in key Market Centers throughout the United States. Spicher and Company's numbered editions are sold only through fine galleries and high end retail stores.

The Graphic Artists at The Artwork Factory

Spicher and Company employs a team of talented Graphic Artists that design original artwork and Vintage Vinyl® Floorcloths. Continuing to push the envelope, their styles vary from industrial and urban, to retro and bohemian.

Some of their most popular collections include timeless Vintage Vinyl®, typographical signs, and math and science.

Kolene Spicher - Paintings

Artist Kolene Spicher has a unique style and flair with her paintings that is easily recognizable. Many of the current design ideas in the market place have been a direct result of her creativity. She has decorated most of the top name department stores with her modern abstract paintings, and her designs have been used by major brands in their advertising campaigns. Kolene’s artwork has been produced and used on a special series of Alicia Klein’s leather “taxi wallets”. And TV shows from “the Sopranos”, “Even Stevens” and full feature films including “Deep End of the Ocean” have requested permission to use Kolene’s artwork in their filming.

One of Kolene’s favorite places is the island of Nantucket, located 30 miles out to sea off the coast of Cape Cod where she showcases her original artwork. Kolene’s originals are regularly purchased by international celebrities and noteworthy names.

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